22 October, 2007

dinner with isabelle and paul

dinner was quite enjoyable tonight. afterwards, paul grabbed his homework and we had a "let's quiz nicki on all the french words paul knows." lol. i got an F.

in france, the kids learn how to write in cursive before they print (according to mme jeanson). this is because print is on the computer, so when you write something, you should differentiate that from something typed. so you write in cursive. sounds looney to me...my handwriting in no WAY looks like a font.

paul turns 7 on nov 7th. it's his golden birthday! i should tell them that tomorrow. i bet you don't have the same thing here...they'll look at me crazy, the same way they looked at me when i told them about the tooth fairy.


Monique Geisler said...
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Monique Geisler said...

The first time I came to observe classes here, I noticed EVERY SINGLE DAMN PERSON IN FRANCE WRITES THE SAME!

Seriously, kids, adults, everyone.

When I wrote on a blackboard for the first time (i.e. with disconnected letters), they thought I had the coolest writing ever and one of their teachers told the kids, "If you're going to learn English, I want you to write like the Americans." haha, if only they knew hardly any of us write the same...

And maybe you already know this, but it's not the tooth fairy... it's the tooth mouse who comes and leaves goodies under their pillows!

nicki said...

the mom told me about the mouse after paul's teeth fell out...i gave her this disgusted, "ew-you-let-mice-under-your-pillow" look.