27 October, 2007

bush, uh, he sucka my dick and he like it!

we met some really nice french people tonight in front of notre dame. when i say "nice," i mean incredibly rude and loud and hilarious.

first a group of girls + one pubescent boy walks up to us and asks us in broken english where we are from, what we are doing here, etc. for some reason, they start talking about a sex shop...but chris thought they asked something about us living here. so he excitedly grabs me and goes, "we live here!" the frenchies took this to mean that i work in a sex shop. they squealed and they were like, "OOOO YOU HAVE TO KISS HER!" pointing to one of their friends that apparently needed to learn how to kiss from a girl who works in a sex shop.

a few minutes later, a group of guys walks up to us asking if we have paper so "to uh roll uh cannibis!" one guy in dreads knew really basic english, plus every horrible swear word there is. once he learned we were from the states, he asked if we liked bush. when we said no, he yelled, "bush is a mother fucker!" and "bush, you sucka my dick and you like it!" and other things of that nature. his friend pulled out his wallet, which said (in english) "bad mother fucker." wonderful gents. he sang some korn-like french song for us, complete with head banging and hoarse yells. his friend joined him. lol. their more composed friend asked us what we were here for, what we were studying for, etc. after i said politics, we started talking about who would win american elections (he thought dems, i agreed, but he said giuliani wasn't looking bad and we talked about how american politics are becoming less polarized). then we started talking about sarkozy (who he voted for, but i swore i wouldn't tell his obviously more liberal friends) and how france needs to be more capitalistic. lol, but to fit in with his friends, he kept yelling, "VOTE DEMOCRAT!"

i love people.

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