31 August, 2007


i don't care if i forgot stuff anymore. i don't care that have the right shoes or the right sweaters or the right books. i'm blissfully stress free right now, only 7 and a half short hours from take off.

but come 445 am, when we leave the house, i'm gonna be FCUKING FREAKING OUT.

28 August, 2007

the bus routes

i think that's what this is. anyway, it looks like a useful link.


27 August, 2007

mini novels

i'm gonna try to keep these entries short for you guys. i have a nasty habit of rambling on, especially when i don't know how to end things, so i think i'll break this promise as soon as i get over there. ah, such is life, eh?

i wanted to tell you also what this blog is--and what it's not.

it's mostly like my diary, except open for you to look at. which is a really big step for me for a couple reasons.

1. if you've talked to me even once, you know i'm somewhat of a grammar whore. but in my diary, i don't care quite as much. i'm able to turn off editor nicki. but it makes me self conscious that you'll see my mistakes and mishaps and it makes me think that you'll judge me differently, for some reason. yeah, my grammar matters to me that much.

2. you know me as hard-shelled, "no, i'm okay, really" nicki. nothing affects me and i can get through pretty much anything without breaking down. as it turns out, this is false. i break down, but only in the privacy of my own thoughts. but i also get over things REALLY quickly. and i also only tend to write when i'm really emotional (though this blog will turn out differently than that, because it's also gonna be my place to jot down everything i do over in that crazy continent), so diary me probably comes off more emotional than real me.

3. come on...i'm letting you in on my diary! how could this not be a big step?