18 June, 2007

what should be the first post

this is what that last post should have been--the low down on what the heck this blog is all about.

i'm studying abroad in paris in the fall. from august 31st to december 23rd, i'll be at the american university of paris, right there in the heart of the city. i'll be living with a french "family" (aka someone brave enough to rent out a room to a rowdy UC kid) and paying far too much rent. scratch that, my parents are paying (i love you, mom and dad!)

it's gonna be fun. no, i need a better adjective than that. my writer brain can come up with something better, but right now it's too clogged with worries about my visa stuff coming together, about how much money i'm (not) gonna have, about how i'm gonna miss everything here...about how i'm gonna miss some people so damn much.