17 October, 2007

other people are funnier than me

i've been reading through other blogs and man, there are some funny people out there. they don't even write about anything fascinating or extraordinary*...a bug in the bathroom, a skinny ninja in the gym. you know, regular stuff. but they make whole posts that are just HILARIOUS. really, i LOL at them. and then i come here and write and sort of copy their style, and i can't tell if that's plagiarism or if i can call that inspiration. i take comfort in the fact that none of them will ever read my blog because i'm not funny/famous/whatever you have to be to get tons of strangers to read your blog.

i'm gonna go do some yoga now. i subscribed to a yoga podcast this morning (inspired by maddy). this one that i'm about to do is yoga for the memory. we'll see how it works.

gosh, you know, i really like this blogging about my life thing. i think i'll keep doing it even when i get back to the states.

*i've always appreciated the irony of this word (well, ever since i learned the meaning of that and it's evil fraternal twin, "ordinary") and i hope you have, too.

1 comment:

Monique Geisler said...

totally un-related, but I'm just wondering how long you're going to be in France?

My sister and I are heading up to Paris for New Year's Eve and beyond. Will you already be in the States by then?