28 October, 2007

je suis comme blanche niege

((thank you, monique, for being my french editor :-D ))

i can't believe i didn't tell you one of the most exciting things of my weekend! we (me, chris, and the UK kids) were sitting in a park, munching on bread and cheese and stuff, when we notice hundreds of pigeons. chris, sitting a distance away from me on a bench, starts throwing his bread at me, sitting on my bum on the grass. every single bird in this little park surrounded me! the fat ones, the little ones, the sickly ones, the ones without toes...they came at me from all sides. i was all freaked out at first, but as i became more comfortable with it, i decided it'd be a good idea to feed them from my hand. SO I DID IT. i fed a pigeon from my fingers. check the pictures on fbook (you'll have to wait for other people to put them up...i obviously was not taking pictures of myself freaking out with 293857 birds around).

oh, and we went to the frog and princess bar last night. it's essentially an american/touristy place. i love seeing paris' version of american things. their playlist included mambo #5, gold digger and cotton eyed joe. you know, the classics. whenever we tell people we're from california now, they go, "ohhh! the fire...it's on fire!" lol.


Monique Geisler said...

Good luck to you Blanche Neige :) Though, you're pretty gutsy to let Parisian pigeons touch you!

In theory NOT buying Nutella was a good idea... except in a "health food store" I found these "no sugar added" chocolate and pear cookies... but that's not helping if you eat half the package in two days haha.

Don't let yourself NOT enjoy all the great food here. I've just started to exercise, A LOT more.

nicki said...

don't you fret. i'm still enjoying the food immensely. and i dont think it's most of that delicious food that's hurting me. it was probably eating nutella by the spoonful that did it ;-)