15 September, 2007

i'm trying to make my own crepe

it's not going so well. my batter was too thick so it's more like a really thin pancake with cheese and no sugar. oh well. i've got more batter...i'll try to fix it and make another.

today i experienced live at it liveliest and at complete stillness. mallory, maddy, chris and i had planned to go to victor hugo's house (for european heritage day), so we went to the bastille metro stop. once we stopped out, we heard--and felt--a loud techno beat. we followed the mobs of crowds and came upon (dun dun dun) the techno parade. whatever description i give it won't do it justice. the best i can say about it is that it's like iv halloween on acid, plus 20,000 people. there were maybe 40 flat bed trucks playing all different techno music, and it looked like every truck was supposed to have a different theme. i saw a couple jungle ones, one that was decorated like the countryside, and most of them were just bright colors and big shapes.

the people there were extraordinary. it seemed like everyone was just there to dance and have a good time...not to deal drugs or steal purses or punch losers. the atmosphere was so positive and not once did i feel threatened or nervous that someone would take advantage of me. all ages were there, too...a bunch of high school-ish kids, middle aged moms, young families pushing babies in strollers. oh, and some apparently famous people, but we had no idea who they were.

amazingly enough, there wasn't much trash on the ground. there were trash cans all around and even these two oversized trash cans that lead the parade. the parisians seem to be very environmentally conscious, even when they're raving.

anyway, after that we went to this super fun park with tons of little kids running around. and us. french kids are adorable.

we got to the metro station and decided to go somewhere in a different arrondisement we'd never been to. we headed to a cemetery in the 3rd (i think?). it was gigantic and nearly silent. i love cemeteries (but always want to spell it "cemetary"...that's odd).

so that's it...my venture from life at its peak to its end. i should have something more poetic to say about it...ohhhh well. i'm too full of failed crepes to care :-)

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